The vinyl gloves were just too small. As I turned to my cleaning partner, we shared a laugh. Or was it that my hands were too big for the gloves?
In truth, the size was an issue. But the main issue was that my hands were wet. So I went and powdered up my hands and tried again. Despite being a snug fit, I got my hands in the gloves. Even from a brief incident like this, we can see that we often look to blame others, while the true fault lies within ourselves.
A true practitioner should not let issues pass without garnering some benefit. Although seemingly small or obvious, these details are what contribute to the process of truly realizing a particular truth. Sometimes, one example isn’t enough to convince ourselves that whenever we are irritated or experience suffering, we are at fault.
By collecting evidence on a daily basis, we can begin to see patterns in our perception and we will be able to realize the truth that Luang Por Thoon has been teaching us all along: that we can fix our problems by focusing inward, not by trying to make sense of others.
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