Monthly Archives: May 2013

Context – Part 1

I once received a letter from a colleague living overseas, stating that Luang Por Thoon said people who walk with their arms behind their backs are conceited. I laughed upon reading that statement, because it reminded me of a similar incident involving Luang Por Thoon that happened to me in China years ago. (That’s for […]

Ghosts and spirits

Today, Mae Yo was asked some questions about ghosts.
Q. Are ghosts real?
A. Yes. You can call the soul that remains after the death of a body a ghost, spirit, or angel. These are just names.
Q. Does a ghost have a body?
A. No, ghosts do not have bodies.
Q. How can you recognize them?
A. In order […]


The vinyl gloves were just too small. As I turned to my cleaning partner, we shared a laugh. Or was it that my hands were too big for the gloves?
In truth, the size was an issue. But the main issue was that my hands were wet. So I went and powdered up my hands and […]

Field Trip

In a language class one day, a practitioner found herself frustrated. Her teacher and classmates strayed from the course material to discuss a recent field trip. This particular trip was one in which she had not attended. She felt that their discussion was a waste of time and off point.
What was the cause of her […]


One day, I asked someone to wash a stain from the sidewalk. He poured detergent near the stain, filled a bucket with water and poured it over the detergent. Then he took a broom and lathered the soap, pushing the water and soap over towards the stain. Once I saw him do that, I became […]

8 Worldly Conditions

The 8 Worldly conditions (โลกธรรม ๘) come in 4 pairs:

Prestige (ยศ)
Loss of Prestige (เสื่อมยศ)

Gain riches (ลาภ)
Loss of riches (เสื่อมลาภ)

Happiness (sukha สุข)
Suffering (dukkha ทุกข์)

Compliments (ติ)
Criticism (ชม)

The idea here is that change of status is normal. We must learn to understand the truth about what happens as we alternate from one state to the other.
1. The truth […]